Needless to say, consumers tend to look for information and services available in a particular region. That is, keywords that help a company rank locally are often more useful than keywords that help a company rank nationally.
76% of people who use their smartphones to search for nearby stores will access their smartphones within a day, and 28% of those searches will lead to purchases. Therefore, if you want to reach your local audience, the ability to target local keywords is important.
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Local SEO Can Increase Website Traffic from Users in the Area One of the biggest benefits of Using
Local SEO is that it increases traffic to websites and specific web pages. Local website traffic can optimize website visibility, increase sales directly, and make your brand name familiar to your local audience. This is especially useful for small local businesses that want to promote their business in a small area.
Local SEO Can Convert Online Searches to Offline Purchases According to a survey conducted by Retail Dive, 67% of consumers say they look up most of their products online before buying them in-store. Also, given the estimated 30% of traffic that visits the site on the first page of search engine results, it’s easy to see the local business benefits at the top. Local SEO allows you to display your brand in front of almost any customer looking for a local product that is unique to your business niche and useful to any business. In a sense, local SEO is a form of local advertising that connects consumers to websites for free. Local SEO allows you to publish important information about your website online, such as: B. Your company address and phone number. In addition, you can use SEO techniques to highlight and promote the types of products and services your website offers. This will help increase your company’s presence on the Internet and make your company better known to the local population. Implementing local SEO is not costly and is considered a free and effective form of online advertising.
If your business doesn’t have reviews, potential customers may hesitate to give you their money. Local SEO is an effective way to get high quality reviews from previous clients. Many local directories allow consumers to post reviews of their local business experiences and opinions about specific products and services. You can also encourage your customers to leave a review. This gives potential customers the confirmation they need to continue shopping with you.
Reaching customers in your area who need your service now
When web users search for a particular service, they often want it in the near future. Consider the case of a local restaurant search. An estimated 64% of searchers have achieved conversions “instantly” or “within an hour.” This means that one of the two people searching for “restaurants in northern Virginia” is likely looking for a place to eat their next meal. If you are the restaurant they found in the search results, you have a great opportunity to do their business. Of course, this applies to all local businesses. With local SEO, you can instantly reach local customers who are likely to need your product or service. When web users with urgent needs look at a local list (rather than a competitor), they probably choose to buy from you. In performing their search, they are more likely to choose your company over your competitors who may be far from them.
Local search can appeal to leads from mobile users
Unlike other forms of advertising, local SEO can appeal to both desktop and mobile web users. This is especially economical for local businesses, given the increasing number of mobile searches for local services. According to Search Engine Land, an estimated 79% of all mobile phone owners and 81% of tablet owners use their devices to run local services. This means that local SEO optimized for mobile search can be particularly beneficial to local businesses seeking to promote their products and services. Local SEO is a must because more searches are being performed on mobile devices than ever before.
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